School Clubs
The school not only imparts academic and subject knowledge but grooms its students in their individual talents too. They are encouraged to realize and nurture their inherent creativity. The school has different clubs where special attention is given and students are groomed be it elocution, literary areas or any other field. An exposure to creative inputs from fellow students and guided by able teachers leads a child to develop a healthy and positive attitude towards appreciating other’s creativity as also being a better judge of one’s own.
English Club
To infuse into the Shakespeare Club Members an all-round competent communication capability that will facilitate holistic and profound development of well-rounded personality so that they will be sharp-witted in their mind and manners exhibiting excellent attitude and culture for significant success in scholastic & social distinctions.
The activities of the club include literary competitions like debates and declamation in the inter class, inter house and inter school levels. Spelling games like Spell Bee, Crossword puzzles, poetry writing, storytelling, building word chains, weaving stories around pictures, designing book jackets are some of the activities which span all classes. The highlight of the activities of Wordsmith last year was a play competition on the adapt
• To entrench the Club Members into English Language Immersion through periodic Lectures, Seminars, Workshops, Excursions & Heritage Expeditions
• To inculcate efficiency in the receptive skills of reading for absolute understanding with ease of various Shakespearean and other popular literary works on the one hand and on the other the contemporary language as used in newspapers, magazines and other media.
Science Club
Science club is a better forum for the students to realize their scientific aspiration and fulfill their question pursing science activities for which they do not get opportunities within the syllabus framework.
The Vision of the science club is to build the next generation of scientific minds who will take India forward in leaps and bounds.
The activities of Science Club include:
• Holding science exhibition and Fair
• Preparing of charts, postures and model etc.
• Displaying Science new updates in school notice boards
Mathematics Club
Maths Club is dedicated to the extra-curricular mathematics. They breathe new life into mathematics beyond the classroom. They come in all shapes and sizes. They focus on learning mathematics with fun.
Eco Club
Eco Club will empower students to participate and take up meaningful environmental activities and projects. It is a forum through which students can reach out to influence, engage their parents and neighborhood communities to promote sound environmental behavior.